
How to use Boosted Announcements to notify your users


Mariano Xerez.

June 25, 2020

What is Boosted Announcements?

Boosted Announcements is a way to guide your users to your content without them having to go looking for it. Display notifications right in your site or app to share your posts with your userbase. Direct them to your changelog, to a specific post, or to a custom link. Choose what posts to announce, and how to announce them, with four different kinds of display. Don't wait for your users to go to your changelog or notification center, take your notifications to them. Engage your users by sharing important news as eye-catching announcements. Supercharge your content by giving it extra exposure.

How to use Boosted Announcements?

Pick the mode that suits your needs

Beamer Boosted Announcements offers four different modes that will allow to fit the content to your site or app, depending on your needs. Subtle or obtrusive, long or short, you can choose the best solution for each of your posts. When you create or edit a post, scroll down to see the mode picker. You'll be able to pick any of them, and even to see a full preview of how the announcement will look for your users by clicking on the small eye icon on the top right of each one.

  • Topbar mode is a simple way to make your announcements without being intrusive. Your users will see a slick bar sliding in from the top of the screen. Ideal for direct, short and punchy announcements.
  • Popup mode is a floating card right at the center of the screen. Give your users the full story with this mode that allows you to fit more information in a single announcement.
  • Snippet mode is an elegant an unobtrusive card at the corner of the screen. A good compromise between the short and direct topbar, and the large and content-heavy popup.
  • Tooltip mode is a subtle but noticeable message that uses the Beamer Button to display a small and concise notification.

How to customize your Boosted Announcements?

You can not just pick the kind of announcement you want to display on each post, you can also choose how your users will interact with them. Go to Settings > General > Boosted Announcements to see your options. Then choose for how much time you would like to show the announcements, what users will see them, where it will take those users, and more.

  • Show for first time visitors. If this option is enabled, boosted announcements will show up for all visitors. If this option is disabled, boosted announcements will only show up to visitors that have opened your Beamer feed at least once.
  • Enable feedback in popups. Show the comments input and/or reaction picker in popup announcements (if comments/reactions are enabled for the post).
  • Show category. If this option is enabled, boosted announcements will show the category of the post. If this option is disabled, the category will not be displayed.
  • Default Boosted type. Pick one of the Boosted Announcement modes to make it enabled by default on your new posts. You can also select none to not have any mode enabled by default. You will still be able to select a mode manually in each post you create.
  • Click behavior. Choose what happens when a user clicks on your announcements. Options are: open sidebar, open post in standalone page, open link in a new window (target="_blank"), open link in the same window (target="_self").
  • Announcement behavior. Select the criteria to show a boosted announcement. You can show the announcement once, or until the user interacts.
  • Announcement expiration. Stop showing a boosted announcement a set amount of days after publication.

Now in beta!

We are currently testing this amazing new feature with selected users. Soon we'll release it fully and you'll be able to experience how Boosted Announcements can increase your interactions and engagement with just a few clicks.

Mariano Xerez.

Lead Designer

Mariano is a multimedia designer and all-around nerd born in Chile but currently based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He loves to write CSS, producing videos, playing RPGs, and designing book covers. SaaS marketer based in Vancouver, BC. She is passionate about transforming customers into champions and ridding the world of boring product updates.

This article is about Customer Engagement + customer feedback + Product Management + User Engagement + User Feedback

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