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Welcome to our Help Center. Here you'll find answers to the most common questions regarding Beamer, how to implement it, and how to manage your account.


How are Views, Unique Views, and Clicks counted via API?What are Users with Views?Why are anonymous names getting displayed in NPS/Analytics?What are Views and Unique Views? What are Push Clicks?What Counts as a Click?

Installing Beamer

Embedding Beamer Script into React ApplicationsHow to install Beamer on my WordPress account?Embedding Beamer Script in Vanilla ReactHow to add Beamer as a menu item using our WordPress plugin?Embedding Beamer Script in Vite + ReactHow to install Beamer through Google Tag ManagerEmbedding Beamer Script in Next.jsHow to install Beamer using our API?Steps to Inject User Data into Beamer script in Reactintegration How to use Beamer with Intercom?How to install Beamer on your website or app?How to add Beamer to Squarespace?How to add Beamer as a menu item using our script?How to add Beamer to Simvoly?

Pricing and subscriptions

What happens if I exceed my plan's limits?How set and change a payment method?How much does User Onboarding cost?How to upgrade my account?Is User Onboarding a Beamer product?How are Monthly Active Users (MAU's) calculated?Is Beamer really free?Is there any limit for API requests?How to upgrade or downgrade NPS plans?What is Beamer’s privacy policy?Can I use a Beamer account on multiple websites?What are Beamer’s terms of service?What are my payment options?Can I cancel my subscription?


How can I reduce MAU's? (Monthly Active Users)How to upgrade my account?Can I use a Beamer account on multiple websites?How to use analytics on Beamer?How to manage multiple accounts?What is the difference between basic and advanced analytics?How to change my password?

Creating Posts

Pro AI Translation for Changelog PostsWhy is my post not appearing on the standalone page?How to edit a post?How can I schedule a post (including expiration) on Beamer?How to delete a post?How to create a post?How to copy a post?How to add a category to a post?Starter How to highlight or pin a post?

Inserting content into posts

What is the maximum size for uploading media files?How to view a preview of my Beamer?How to format a post?What are comments and reactions?How to add a link to a post?pro How to enable comments and reactions?How to insert videos?How to change the order of my posts?How to insert images?

Post settings

How to Enable the Auto Open Widget for Your Posts?How do I enable social media sharing for my posts?Can I Pin Post to the Top of the Feed?

Manage your team

How to invite my team?How to delete users?How to assign roles and permissions?


How can I adjust the font size for the header title and in-app content?How can I personalise emails with my logo?How do I enable a list of months with posts on the standalone page?Single sign-on (SAML SSO)How can I enable or disable the "Show Back Button" when in standalone mode?How to change product name and description?How to enable or disable animated posts when opening the sidebar?How to send user data to the Beamer script?How do I enable the scroll bar in my feed?What is domain whitelist?How to enable or disable the search in the sidebar?How to use Domain Whitelist?How to resolve a 403 error in API?


Manually Trigger the NPS Widget for Testing PurposesHow to Integrate NPS via Webhooks?NPS Analytics CalculationHow can the NPS Question and Appearance be changed?How does Beamer count the monthly NPS limit?How to Integrate NPS via API?How to Modify the NPS Appearance?How to set up NPS using Beamer?Can I switch the order of reaction in NPS?How to customize NPS surveys?What are the different scores compared to the NPS 10 scale?How to send NPS surveys by email or link?Why am I getting low NPS responses?How to upgrade or downgrade NPS plans?How do the initial time and delay for NPS gets calculated?How to change the default date of NPS Analytics?


How to remove users from User Segmentation (Basic Segmentation)?pro What is user segmentation?What is the difference between internal and external "AND" or “OR” conditions when creating filters?pro How to use user segmentation?How do I add a user ID to the segment, and is there a maximum limit for segmentation?scale How to use advanced segmentation?Why is my segmentation post not appearing on the standalone page?How to use segment by URLHow are segments combined in Beamer? Can I use AND and OR?integration How to connect Beamer and Segment


How can I prevent specific users from posting comments in Beamer Feedback?How do you create an Idea on behalf of a customer?How do I use Beamer Feedback?How do you review or respond to Ideas and comments?How do I set up the Idea Portal?How do you notify a customer once the status of the Idea is changed?How do I set up Public Roadmaps?Pro Set a Priority Score for User Feedbackpro How do I control who can vote on Ideas?How to Add a One-Click Feedback Button to your websitepro Can you make an Idea or Comment visible to only a selected set of users?Pro How do I connect Zapier with Beamer Feedback?pro Can I share a Public Roadmap with customers or a selected segment?


How to enable or disable the "Read More" button?How to customize in-app notifications?Enabling Beamer Notifications for Specific User RolesCan I change the Beamer icon on my website?How to Customise the Position of the Widget Icon?How to change the appearance to fit my site?How to Change the Header Name?Starter How to translate my posts in different languages?How to Change Website Name?What can you change with appearance customization?How can I have separate widgets for different products but display all updates on a single standalone page?How to use custom CSS to personalize Beamer’s appearance?


How is the Unread Notification/Badge Count Calculated?How to customize in-app notifications?How can I upload the push notification logo?What are push notifications?What is the maximum number of characters allowed in the snippet?How to get push notifications?How do two boosted announcements work?Pro How to setup and use push notifications?How do I subscribe to email notifications, and how do they function?How to unblock notification permissions on any browserHow can I preview a email notifications in Beamer?Scale How to use single user notifications?What happens if I edit/republish a post?How to use custom domain for push notifications?


How to set up your custom sender domain?


How to implement Google Analytics 4(GA4)?Integration How to connect Beamer and SegmentWhat are UTM parameters?Integration How to use Beamer with Intercom?Intergration How to use integrations with Beamer using Zapier


Where Beamer data is saved and what is the data?