Imagine running a business, and your customers resemble a bustling room full of conversation. They have a lot of insights to share with you  – from their preference and dislikes to their suggestions for improvements. However, with so many voices coming from your website, social media, emails, and even within your app, it becomes challenging to effectively manage and respond to all this valuable feedback. That is precisely where customer feedback management tools and NPS trackers prove indispensable. These platforms serve as sophisticated aggregators, consolidating customer insights from across various touchpoints and organizing them into a centralized repository. Beyond mere data collection, they offer robust analytics and reporting features that transform raw feedback gathered from NPS trackers, for example, into actionable strategies for the future. No more feeling overwhelmed by scattered feedback – these tools turn customer feedback and basic NPS tracker data into actionable insights that can boost customer satisfaction, keep churn at bay, and fuel your business growth. Customer and user feedback tools will help you turn your business from product-centric to customer-centric, boosting user adoption and. customer loyalty.

Types of Customer Feedback Software.

Before diving into specific tools, let’s explore the different types of customer feedback software available:

  • Customer feedback platforms: These comprehensive solutions offer a broad range of features for gathering and analyzing customer feedback across various channels. They typically include functionalities such as survey creation and distribution, in-app feedback mechanisms, sentiment analysis, and robust reporting tools.
  • Customer satisfaction survey tools: Designed specifically to assess customer satisfaction levels with your product or service, these tools specialize in crafting and deploying surveys. They often feature pre-designed templates, advanced question formats, and data visualization capabilities.
  • Customer review software: These platforms streamline the collection and management of customer reviews from various online sources into a centralized hub. Customer review software commonly offer features like review analysis and response management, facilitating efficient engagement with customer feedback.
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS) Trackers: Automating the process of collecting and calculating net promoter score, NPS trackers provide insights into customer loyalty and their likelihood to recommend your business.

What to Consider When Choosing Customer Feedback Tools?

Choosing the perfect customer feedback tool requires careful consideration of your specific business needs, budget, and tool stack. Here are some key factors to ponder when deciding which platform to use:

How to choose the right customer feedback management tool

Integration Capabilities with Existing Systems.

Seamless integration of a customer feedback tool with your current CRM, marketing automation platform, or other business software is paramount. Additionally, integrations ensure a smooth data flow and prevent data silos. Imagine automatically creating support tickets for negative reviews or triggering email campaigns for highly satisfied customers.

Ease of Use and User Interface.

Simplicity is key. Choose a platform with a user-friendly interface that is intuitive for both you and your customer service team. Look for clear navigation, drag-and-drop functionalities for survey creation, and easily digestible data visualizations.

Customization and Scalability Options.

As your business grows, your customer and user feedback needs will evolve. Does the tool offer customization options, such as white-labeling surveys to match your brand identity? Can it scale to accommodate increased customer volumes and expanding data sets? Opt for a solution that adapts and grows alongside your business.

Variety and Depth of Analytics and Reporting Features.

Robust reporting is crucial for extracting actionable insights from customer feedback. Does the tool offer a variety of pre-built reports or allow you to create custom reports tailored to your specific needs? Features like sentiment analysis, trend identification, and customer segmentation can provide a deeper context to your data and reveal valuable customer behavior patterns.

Cost and Overall Value for Money.

Customer feedback tools come with varying price tags. Consider your budget, but keep in mind that the cheapest option might not always be the best long-term decision. Evaluate the cost against the features offered and the potential return on investment (ROI) in terms of improved customer satisfaction, reduced churn, and increased revenue. A free or a cheap NPS tracker will only get you the basic features but you will not get the actionable insights from your customer feedback.

Now that you’re armed with these essential considerations, let’s dive into some of the top contenders within each category of customer feedback software.

Read “Why the best startups are obsessed with customer feedback” to get more insights.

Customer Feedback Platforms.

Customer feedback platforms act as the central hub for your customer feedback initiatives. They allow you to gather feedback through various channels, analyze the data, and gain actionable insights. Here are some of the top customer feedback platforms of 2024:

1. Beamer.

Best Features: Beamer offers a user-friendly interface, multi-channel feedback collection (NPS surveys, in-app feedback, comments, and reactions), powerful analytics with sentiment analysis and reporting tools, and seamless integrations with popular business platforms.

Recommended for: Businesses of all sizes looking for an all-in-one customer feedback solution with a focus on ease of use and actionable insights.

Starting Price: Beamer offers a free plan with limited features. Paid plans start at $49 per month and scale based on features and user volume. For more detailed information on pricing plans, check out the pricing page.

Beamer customer feedback management platform

2. Typeform.

Best Features: Engaging and visually appealing interface, wide range of question types (including branching logic for personalized surveys), pre-built survey templates for quick setup, basic data analysis with insights into survey responses. This is a solid easy to setup and use customer feedback collecting and management tool.

Recommended for: Businesses looking to create visually attractive and engaging surveys for customer satisfaction measurement or lead generation.

Starting Price: Typeform offers a free plan with limited features. Paid plans start at $25 per month and scale based on features and number of responses.

3. Formstack.

Best Features: Scalable and feature-rich customer feedback management tool, advanced form-building features with conditional logic and integrations with various payment gateways, powerful data management and reporting tools.

Recommended for: Businesses requiring complex forms for data collection (e.g., customer onboarding forms, detailed feedback surveys) or those needing integrations with specific payment processors.

Starting Price: Formstack offers a free plan with limited features. Paid plans start at $50 per month and scale based on features and form submissions.

Customer feedback management tool - Formstack

4. Google Forms.

Best Features: Free to use with a familiar Google interface, easy to create and share basic surveys, integrates seamlessly with other Google Workspace applications (Sheets, Docs, etc).

Recommended for: Businesses or individuals needing a quick and free solution for basic customer feedback surveys or simple data collection forms. This is not a solution for companies looking for a solid customer feedback management tool.

Starting Price: Free

5. AskNicely.

Best Features: Focuses on post-interaction feedback through email and SMS surveys, offers sentiment analysis capabilities, has automated follow-up actions based on feedback, and includes customer experience management tools.

Recommended for: Businesses prioritizing post-interaction user feedback collection (e.g., following customer support interactions or product purchases) and aiming to automate the process of collecting and acting on feedback.

Starting Price: AskNicely doesn’t publish pricing information on its website. Contact their sales team to learn more about pricing options.

Customer feedback tool AskNicely

6. InMoment.

Best Features: Enterprise-grade customer experience management platform, comprehensive feedback collection options (surveys, in-app feedback, social media monitoring), advanced analytics with customer journey mapping and churn prediction capabilities, robust reporting, and data visualization tools.

Recommended for: Large enterprises with complex customer experience needs seeking a comprehensive solution for collecting, analyzing, and acting on customer feedback across all touchpoints.

Starting Price: InMoment offers custom quotes based on specific needs and functionalities required.

7. UserReport.

Best Features: User session recording and heatmap analytics, visualization of user behavior on websites and applications, identification of usability issues, and conversion bottlenecks.

Recommended for: Businesses looking to understand user behavior on their websites or applications to improve user experience and conversion rates.

Starting Price: While UserReport offers free sign-ups, specific details regarding higher-tier paid plans are not available on their website. Contact their sales team for a quote.

Customer feedback management tool: UserReport

8. Hotjar.

Best Features: Similar to UserReport, Hotjar offers session recording and heatmap analytics along with click tracking and form analytics capabilities.

Recommended for: Businesses looking for a user behavior analytics tool with a focus on click tracking and form analytics in addition to session recordings and heatmaps.

Starting Price: Hotjar offers a free plan with limited features. Paid plans start at $39 per month and scale based on features and website traffic.

Customer feedback management tools - behavior tracking Hotjar

9. ProProfs.

Best Features: Feature-rich online survey platform, offers a variety of question types, branching logic, and survey customization options. Integrates with popular marketing automation and CRM platforms.

Recommended for: Businesses looking for a comprehensive survey creation tool with advanced features and integrations for marketing and sales purposes.

Starting Price: ProProfs offers a free plan with limited features. Paid plans start at $20 per month and scale based on features and the number of responses.

10. Mopinion.

Best Features: Web-based feedback widget for collecting website visitor feedback through various channels (polls, surveys, smiley faces). Offers sentiment analysis and reporting tools.

Recommended for: Businesses aiming to capture user feedback easily through a non-intrusive feedback widget and gain insights into user sentiment regarding specific website elements.

Starting Price: Mopinion offers a 14-day free trial, and paid plans start at $259 per month.

11. Feedier.

Best Features:</strong&gt; User-friendly interface with drag-and-drop survey building, multi-channel feedback collection (surveys, in-app feedback, NPS), advanced visual reporting with customizable dashboards and trend identification.

Recommended for: Businesses seeking a user-centric customer feedback management tool with a focus on clear and actionable data visualization. Ideal for collecting feedback across various channels.

Starting Price: Feedier’s pricing structure is not available publicly. Contact their sales team for a quote.

12. Feedbackify.

Best Features: Focuses on website feedback collection through user-friendly feedback widgets, offers features like screenshots and screen recordings alongside text feedback.

Recommended for: Businesses that prioritize website feedback collection and want to capture user behavior alongside written comments for deeper insights.

Starting Price: Feedbackify offers a free plan with limited features. Paid plans start at $19 per month and scale based on features and website traffic.

13. Verint Experience Management.

Best Features: Enterprise-grade customer experience management platform, omnichannel feedback collection, advanced analytics with customer journey mapping, and artificial intelligence (AI) powered insights.

Recommended for: Large organizations requiring a comprehensive solution for managing customer experiences across all touchpoints, with a focus on AI-driven insights.

Starting Price: Verint Experience Management offers custom quotes based on specific needs and functionalities required.

voice of the customer Verint

14. Wootric.

Best Features: Focuses on NPS measurement and improvement, automated NPS surveys with sentiment analysis and churn prediction capabilities. Integrates with popular business tools (Slack, Salesforce, etc).

Recommended for: Businesses prioritizing NPS as a key customer loyalty metric and seeking actionable insights to improve their NPS.

Starting Price: Wootric’s pricing details for paid plans are not publicly available. Contact their sales team for a quote.

15. HubSpot Customer Feedback.

Best Features: Integrated customer feedback solution within the HubSpot CRM platform, offers surveys, in-app feedback widgets, and live chat functionality.

Recommended for: Businesses already using the HubSpot CRM platform who want a seamless solution for collecting and managing customer feedback within their existing ecosystem.

Starting Price: Pricing depends on the specific HubSpot CRM plan you are subscribed to. Some CRM plans include basic customer feedback features, while others require add-on modules for more advanced functionalities.

16. KiyoOh.

Best Features: Focuses on collecting and managing online reviews from various platforms in one central location. Offers review request automation, review response management, and social media monitoring tools. Integrates with popular eCommerce platforms.

Recommended for: E-commerce businesses looking for a comprehensive solution to manage online reviews across various platforms, improve review generation, and respond to customer feedback publicly.

Starting Price: KiyoOh offers custom quotes based on features and the number of locations or online stores managed.

17. Feefo.

Best Features: Similar to KiyoOh, Feefo helps businesses collect and manage online reviews. It offers features like star ratings, written reviews, and photo/video reviews. Integrates with popular eCommerce platforms and marketing automation tools.

Recommended for: Businesses looking for a powerful online review management solution with features like photo/video reviews and integrations with marketing automation tools.

Starting Price: Feefo offers custom quotes based on features and the number of reviews managed.


18. Bazaarvoice.

Best Features: Focuses on building trust and advocacy through user-generated content (UGC), including reviews, photos, and social media content. Offers advanced analytics and reporting tools to understand customer sentiment and identify brand advocates.

Recommended for: Brands seeking to leverage the power of user-generated content to build trust and encourage customer advocacy. Ideal for businesses with a strong focus on social proof and visual content.

Starting Price: Bazaarvoice offers custom quotes based on features and the volume of reviews managed.

19. Canny.

Best Features: Canny is a customer feedback management platform specifically designed for product teams. Canny offers features like idea submission, user voting, roadmap planning, and feedback prioritization tools. Integrates with popular project management tools like Jira and Asana.

Recommended for: Product teams looking for a dedicated platform to capture user feedback, prioritize product features based on user needs, and foster a culture of customer-centric product development.

Starting Price: Canny offers a free plan with limited features. Paid plans start at $79 per month and scale based on features and the number of users.

20. Pendo.

Best Features: User session recording and behavior analytics with heatmaps and click tracking. Pendo focuses on understanding user journeys within web applications and identifying user pain points.

Recommended for: Businesses looking for a user behavior analytics tool specifically designed for web applications, helping to optimize user experience and product adoption.

Starting Price: Pendo offers custom quotes based on features and the number of users.

Customer feedback management tools: Pendo

21. HubSpot’s Form Maker.

Best Features: Drag-and-drop form builder for creating a variety of forms (surveys, feedback forms, lead capture forms). Integrates seamlessly with other HubSpot CRM tools.

Recommended for: Businesses already using the HubSpot CRM platform who want a simple and integrated solution for creating custom feedback forms alongside their other CRM functionalities.

Starting Price: Pricing depends on the specific HubSpot CRM plan you are subscribed to. Some CRM plans include basic form creation features, while others require add-on modules for more advanced functionalities.

22. Sogolytics.

Best Features: Session recording and user behavior analytics with a focus on heatmaps, attention recordings, and form analytics.

Recommended for: Businesses looking for a user behavior analytics tool with a focus on attention recordings (where users look on a webpage) and form analytics to understand user interactions with forms.

Starting Price: Sogolytics offers a free plan with limited features. Paid plans start at $25 per month and scale based on features and website traffic.


Best Features: Focuses on collecting customer and user feedback through NPS surveys and CSAT (Customer Satisfaction) surveys. Offers sentiment analysis and reporting tools. Integrates with popular project management and communication tools.

Recommended for: Businesses looking for a simple and user-friendly solution to measure customer satisfaction and loyalty through NPS trackers and CSAT surveys, with integrations for project management and communication.

Starting Price: offers a free plan with limited features. Paid plans start at around $110 per month and scale based on features and the number of responses.

24. JustReview.

Best Features: Online review management platform with features like review request automation, review response management, and social media monitoring. Integrates with popular eCommerce platforms.

Recommended for: Businesses looking for a cost-effective online review management solution with basic features like review request automation and response management. Ideal for businesses on a budget or those requiring a more basic online review management toolset compared to KiyoOh or Feefo.

Starting Price: JustReview offers a free plan with limited features. Paid plans start at $19 per month and scale based on features and the number of locations or online stores managed.

Customer satisfaction survey tools.

Customer satisfaction surveys are crucial for understanding how happy your customers are with your product or service. Here are a few leaders in the customer satisfaction survey tool category:

1. Jotform.

Best Features: User-friendly interface with drag-and-drop survey building, offers a wide variety of question types (including branching logic for personalized surveys) and integrates with popular business tools (like CRMs and email marketing platforms). 

Recommended for: Businesses looking for a user-friendly and affordable solution to create basic customer satisfaction surveys. Ideal for those who may not require advanced features like NPS trackers or complex data analysis.

Starting Price: Free plan available with limitations. Paid plans start at $34 per month and scale based on features and the number of submissions.

customer review software Jotform

2. SurveyMonkey.

Best Features: A household name in the survey world, SurveyMonkey offers a robust set of features for creating and managing complex customer satisfaction surveys. Features include branching logic, skip logic, question piping, and advanced data analysis tools.

Recommended for: Businesses requiring advanced survey functionalities like branching logic and complex data analysis for in-depth customer satisfaction insights.

Starting Price: Free plan available with limited features. Paid plans start at $25 per month and scale based on features and the number of responses.

review software SurveyMonkey

3. Survicate.

Best Features: User-friendly interface with AI-powered survey creation and pre-built customer satisfaction survey templates. Offers multilingual surveys and advanced reporting with sentiment analysis.

Recommended for: Businesses seeking a user-friendly platform with AI assistance for creating customer satisfaction surveys, with a focus on multilingual capabilities and sentiment analysis for deeper insights.

Starting Price: Survicate offers a free trial, and paid plans start at $59 per month and scale based on features and the number of responses.

4. SurveyLab.

Best Features: SurveyLab is a powerful and feature-rich platform for creating complex customer satisfaction surveys. It offers features like white-labeling, custom branding, and advanced data analysis with statistical tools.

Recommended for: Large enterprises or research institutions requiring a high degree of customization and advanced data analysis capabilities for their customer satisfaction surveys.

Starting Price: SurveyLab offers custom quotes based on features and survey volume.

customer review software SurveyLab

5. FeatureOS (formerly Hellonext).

Best Features: Combines customer satisfaction surveys with other customer feedback channels (like in-app feedback and chat) in a single platform. Offers features like sentiment analysis and real-time reporting.

Recommended for: Businesses seeking a comprehensive customer feedback solution that goes beyond surveys, offering a unified platform for various feedback channels and real-time insights.

Starting Price: FeatureOS offers custom quotes based on features and the number of users.

6. UseResponse.

Best Features: UseResponse is a multi-channel customer support platform with built-in customer satisfaction survey functionalities. It offers features like ticketing, live chat, and customer satisfaction surveys.

Recommended for: Businesses already using UseResponse for their customer support needs and wanting to add customer satisfaction surveys within their existing platform for a cohesive customer experience management solution.

Starting Price: UseResponse offers various pricing plans based on features and the number of agents. Some plans include basic customer satisfaction survey functionalities, while others require add-on modules for more advanced survey features.

Read this article to learn how to send effective NPS surveys by email or links. And here you can read about what a good NPS score for SaaS is.


Customer review software.

Customer reviews hold immense power. Customer review software helps you manage online reviews from various platforms in one central location and leverage them to improve your customer experience. Here are some top options to consider:

1. Birdeye.

Best Features: This customer review software offers a comprehensive solution for managing online reviews across various platforms (Google My Business, Yelp, Facebook). Includes features like review request automation, review response management, social media listening, and reputation management tools.

Recommended for: Businesses with a strong focus on online reputation management and seeking a comprehensive solution to manage reviews across multiple platforms.

Starting Price: Birdeye offers custom quotes based on features and the number of locations managed.

2. Yotpo.

Best Features: This customer review software focuses on E-commerce businesses and helps them collect, manage, and leverage online reviews. Offers features like review request automation, review widgets for product pages, social media integrations, and customer loyalty programs.

Recommended for: E-commerce businesses looking for a dedicated platform to manage online reviews, incentivize customer reviews, and leverage them to improve customer loyalty and sales.

Starting Price: Plans start at $79 per month and scale based on features and the number of orders processed.

customer review software- Yotpo example

3. Trustpilot.

Best Features: A well-established customer review tool for collecting and managing online reviews. Offers basic features like review request automation, review response management, and basic analytics.

Recommended for: Businesses looking for a basic and free solution to collect online reviews from customers. Ideal for those who may not require advanced features like social media listening or reputation management tools offered by other platforms.

Starting Price: Trustpilot offers a free plan with basic features. Paid plans with additional functionalities start at around $250 per month.

4. Podium.

Best Features: This customer review software offers a multi-channel customer communication platform with features like text messaging, live chat, and online review management.

Recommended for: Businesses aiming to manage customer interactions across various channels (texting, chat, reviews) within a unified platform. Ideal for businesses already using Podium for other communication needs.

Starting Price: Podium offers custom quotes based on features and the number of users.

5. Broadly.

Best Features: Focuses on location-based businesses and helps them manage online reviews across various platforms. This customer review software offers features like review request automation, review response management, social media listening, and reputation management tools specifically tailored for local businesses.

Recommended for: Location-based businesses (restaurants, cafes, retail stores) seeking a solution to manage online reviews and local SEO.

Starting Price: Broadly offers custom quotes based on features and the number of locations managed.

customer review software - Broadly, NPS tracker

Net Promoter Score (NPS) Trackers.

The NPS is a powerful metric that gauges customer loyalty and likelihood to recommend your product or service. NPS tracker automate the process of collecting and calculating your NPS, providing valuable insights into customer sentiment. Here are some popular options:

1. Beamer NPS.

Best Features: Beamer NPS has a user-friendly interface with drag-and-drop NPS survey building. It offers multi-channel NPS tracker (email, SMS, in-app), advanced reporting with NPS score trends, and customer feedback analysis. Additionally, it integrates with popular business tools (CRMs, marketing automation platforms). Beamer offers a very solid NPS tracker tool.

<strong>Recommended for: Businesses of all sizes looking for a powerful all-in-one NPS tracking solution with a focus on ease of use and actionable insights. Beamer NPS offers multi-channel NPS survey distribution and integrates seamlessly with existing business tools.

Starting Price: Beamer NPS offers a free plan with limited features. Paid plans start at $99 per month and scale based on features and user volume. Visit Beamer’s website for a more detailed breakdown of pricing plans. You can signup for a free trial of an Beamer NPS tracker. </span>

NPS tracker software, NPS tracker tool - Beamer

2. SurveySparrow.

=”font-weight: 400;”>Best Features:</strong> SurveySparrow is a user-friendly NPS tracker platform for creating engaging NPS surveys with various question types and branching logic. It offers basic NPS reporting with score calculation and sentiment analysis.

Recommended for: Businesses seeking a user-friendly and affordable solution to create and distribute basic NPS surveys. Ideal for those who seek a basic NPS tracker and may not require advanced reporting functionalities offered by other tools.

Starting Price: SurveySparrow offers a free plan with limited features. Paid plans start at $19 per month and scale based on features and the number of responses.

NPS tracker and user feedback tools - SurveySparrow

3. Zonka Feedback.

Best Features: This is an NPS tracker tool focusing on NPS tracking and improvement. Offers features like automated NPS surveys with reminder emails, sentiment analysis, and actionable insights to improve NPS scores.

<span style=”font-weight: 400;”>Recommended for: Businesses prioritizing NPS improvement and seeking a dedicated NPS tracker tool with features designed to boost customer loyalty and increase NPS score.

Starting Price: Zonka Feedback offers a free trial, and paid plans start at $49 per month and scale based on features and the number of responses.

4. Qualtrics.

Best Features: Qualtrics is an enterprise-grade customer experience management platform with a robust NPS tracker. It offers advanced features like NPS benchmarking, custom reporting dashboards, and in-depth customer feedback analysis.

Recommended for: Large enterprises requiring a comprehensive customer experience management solution with a powerful NPS tracker and advanced data analysis capabilities.

Starting Price: Qualtrics offers custom quotes based on features and the number of users.

5. Qualaroo.

Best Features: Offers NPS surveys along with other customer feedback tools like website pop-ups and in-app feedback widgets. Provides basic NPS tracker and reporting and sentiment analysis.

Recommended for:</strong> Businesses looking for a multi-channel customer feedback solution that includes NPS tracker alongside other feedback channels. Ideal for those who may already be using Qualaroo for other customer feedback functionalities.

Starting Price: Qualaroo offers custom quotes based on features and the number of website visitors.

NPS trackers, customer review software - Qualaroo

Final Thoughts.

Investing in a customer feedback management tool can be a game-changer for your business. Here’s how reaping the rewards of customer feedback analysis can propel your company forward:

  • Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: Actively listening to your customers and addressing their concerns fosters a more positive customer experience. Analyzing feedback helps you pinpoint areas for improvement and prioritize changes that will have the biggest impact on customer happiness. Satisfied customers are more likely to become loyal brand advocates, and adopting customer feedback management tools will get you there faster.
  • Reduced Customer Churn: Dissatisfied customers don’t stick around for long. NPS trackers capture the general mood of your customers. Customer feedback analysis allows you to identify at-risk customers and proactively address their grievances before they churn. By listening to their feedback and taking action, you can retain valuable customers and build stronger relationships.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: In today’s data-driven world, gut feelings aren’t enough. Customer feedback management tools enable you to run customer feedback analysis providing you with concrete data to support critical business decisions. You can leverage customer insights from user feedback software to optimize marketing campaigns, personalize the customer experience, and allocate resources effectively.
  • Improved Product Development: Customer and user feedback is a treasure trove of insights that can inform your product development roadmap. Customer feedback management tools help you analyze feedback, enabling you to identify features your customers want, understand their pain points, and prioritize the development of features that will truly add value to their experience. This not only keeps your product competitive but also demonstrates a commitment to customer-centricity.
  • Boosted Brand Reputation: Positive customer reviews and testimonials go a long way in building trust and attracting new customers. Customer feedback analysis allows you to identify areas where your brand excels and leverage positive user feedback to build a strong reputation. Additionally, by catching the customer sentiment via an NPS tracker and addressing negative feedback publicly and promptly, you demonstrate a commitment to customer satisfaction and build trust.

Benefits of customer review software - NPS tracker

In conclusion, choosing the right customer feedback management tool can be a transformative decision for your business. By harnessing the power of customer insights, you can unlock a wealth of opportunities to improve customer satisfaction, reduce churn, make data-driven decisions, and ultimately drive business growth. Remember, your customers are your most valuable asset – listen to them, learn from them, and watch your business thrive.

Read this guide to learn how to make sense of all your customer/user feedback.

And here you can learn about the PLG tools for each step of the customer journey.