Spencer Coon
September 15, 2021
Many businesses feed on one-time purchases, but SaaS companies are different. A successful SaaS product needs not only to attract new customers but to keep them engaged and active for the long run. From the first point of contact to complete brand loyalty, the road that customers travel is long and has many stages. That's where a Customer Lifecycle Marketing strategy (or CLM) can help you track and target your users according to where they are in the customer journey. A map directly to your current and future customers' heart! 🗺️ 💘In this article, we'll define what Customer Lifecycle Marketing is, how it can benefit your SaaS company, and how to implement it successfully.
Customer Lifecycle Marketing or CLM is a way to integrate all your marketing communication channels to guide your prospects and users through the customer journey. That is, defining strategies that will attract, convert, support, and retain customers, helping them with every interaction they have with your brand. To implement a Customer Lifecycle Marketing strategy for your SaaS company, you'll need to:
If you follow a Customer Lifecycle Marketing strategy, you'll be able to guide your customers from awareness to purchase. Improve loyalty and long-term retention while avoiding the usual pitfalls that lead to users quitting or churn. In practice, that means engaging customers most efficiently and profitably according to where they stand on their journey; smoothly guiding them into a deeper and closer relationship with your SaaS product and brand:
Customer Lifecycle Marketing it's all about keeping them interested, engaged, and moving forward!
Customer Lifecycle Marketing may seem like a lot of work. Study the whole customer journey instead of narrowly focusing on a given campaign, metric, or communication channel. So is it worth it? 💰💰💰As noted before, the main benefit of CLM is better customer engagement, which brings lots of retention, loyalty, and monetization opportunities. It's all about a better brand and product experience.Data shows that the cost of attracting a new customer is over 30 times more expensive than that of holding a current one. So moving your customers forward to increased brand loyalty is a sound business strategy.
Customers move through a series of steps in their relationship with your SaaS product. Customers in different stages in the lifecycle have specific needs. So, you'll need to devise different strategies to appeal to each one of them. Let's examine approaches for customers at various points of their journey:
At this stage, you still don't have a relationship or a customer yet. The goal is to attract prospects by actively promoting your SaaS product and showing its value. How does it solve the real issues your potential customers may have?
Potentials don't just go and subscribe to a SaaS product! They first look for information to be sure. You need to provide an easy way to communicate with them at this stage, answering their questions and convincing them of your SaaS product value. More than 50% of buyers will abandon the purchase process if they can't quickly find answers to their questions, so information is fundamental!Here are some of the most commonly used strategies to help your potential customers find the information they need:
Once you have closed the sale, you still need to keep users engaged. A SaaS companies' central source of revenue is continued subscriptions and not single purchases. Providing excellent support and usability are the best ways to bond with your users to keep them interested and active.
An increasing number of SaaS are using the self-service because –among many other motives– as it doesn't require a human to close the sale, it reduces waiting times while increases the revenue per employee (or REP).You can implement a self-service model in different ways, and we have written about that before. The easiest way is to provide opportunities for your users to find the information they are searching, and to take by themselves the next step: purchase.For example, instead of hiding premium features, allow your users to find them and get interested. If you add a prompt or call-to-action, they can arrive at the billing page to unlock new features. Upselling or cross-selling but done by the users themselves!
Attention is the currency of this era! 👀 Keeping your users engaged is securing long-term revenue. Any fix or improvement you make to your product is an opportunity to improve your relationship with your audience, but how to keep them updated? For that, you'll need a changelog or a notification system. The way you communicate your updates is not unimportant. Do it in context (like inside your product itself), use visual feedbacks to catch the eye, and make it actionable. Don't just inform your users but take them directly where they need to go to try the new features or read the whole story.
Beamer is a tool designed precisely for that. With Beamer, you can create a changelog, embed it in your site or app, and start publishing updates in just a few minutes. Your users will see a visual reminder each time there's news they haven't read.With a simple click, your users will be able to read, share, react, and comment. You can even lead them to a fuller version of the update, to your blog, or to the new feature you want them to start using.With in-app notifications, you can highlight important updates and tease them with a sneak peek of what they'll find, and with push notifications, you can keep them informed and engaged even when they are outside your site.
You can target all your content, announcements, and notifications with segmentation to tap into your users' particular interests, previous in-app behavior, or even their purchase history. Ideal for upselling and cross-selling! For example:
As we established before, Customer Lifecycle Marketing is powered by loyalty.⚡ To sustain loyal customers is not only cheaper than finding new ones, but they are also capable of bringing new potentials right to your door. How? With NPS.Net Promoter Score or NPS is a measurement of user engagement, loyalty, and enthusiasm. Using a straightforward survey, you can identify who among your users is a promoter and who's a detractor. And you can use that information to improve your Customer Lifecycle Marketing.Promoters –those who rate you high on the survey– are most likely to keep using your product, give you positive reviews, and recommend you with their peers through word-of-mouth. Once you have identified them, you can contact them to tap into their enthusiasm and loyalty for your brand to turn them into ambassadors or evangelists.
Nurture that relationship with rewards like one-to-one communication, early access, or an affiliate program. They will be inclined to keep supporting you, share your content on their social media and even produce user-generated content, one of the best –and according to some most honest– forms of publicity in the current times. Your promoters can give you a signal boost that many advertising firms wish they could.Detractors, on the other hand, are not a curse but a diamond in the rough. They may be less than enthusiastic now, but if you take their feedback seriously, improve your product and then report back to them, they can quickly go from hate to love. 💎💗 By understanding your detractors and improving your Net Promoter Score, you'll increase the growth and sales of your SaaS company.Beamer is not just a changelog. It's a full suite of tools, including NPS! With Beamer NPS, you can create surveys, embed them in your site or inside your product, and start measure engagement right away.With Beamer's powerful analytics and segmentation features, you can engage your promoters and detractors and close the feedback loop. Use their insights to keep improving your SaaS product and their experiences to promote it to new users. 🔁 That is the ultimate goal of a lifetime marketing strategy!
Understanding the customer lifecycle is the best way to identify your users' pain points, implement strategies to improve user retention, and even change the minds of those who are close to quitting. Customer Lifecycle Marketing takes the customer journey and puts it to work, a must-have for any successful SaaS product. Lifetime loyal customers! 🎖️If you're looking for a tool to communicate better with your prospects and users and implement a Customer Lifecycle Marketing strategy, think of Beamer. Beamer is a changelog that can help you communicate updates, improve feature discovery, personalize your marketing strategy, target your users in each stage of the lifecycle and collect insightful analytics. For all of that and more, try Beamer for free today.
Spencer Coon
Spencer is an entrepreneur, analyst, climber, skier and adventurer based in Boulder, CO.
This article is about Customer Engagement + customer feedback + Product Management + User Engagement + User Feedback
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Benny Waelput
Go-to-Market Marketeer
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Net Promoter®, NPS®, and the NPS-related emoticons are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc., and Fred Reichheld. Net Promoter Score℠ and Net Promoter System℠ are service marks of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc., and Fred Reichheld.