Spencer Coon
October 21, 2020
Think about high NPS companies that set the “benchmark” in terms of good reputations: Nike, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, etc. They seem to have skyrocketed out of nowhere (though some have been around decades) and hold their place as a “staple” for customers. What generates that consistent success? What makes customers so happy?A high NPS or Net Promoter Score indicates that a company has a high amount of enthusiastically happy customers who find consistent value in their product or service. A lot of “promoters”, or highly satisfied customers, means a lot of good press, peer recommendations, and high customer loyalty. How do these companies generate a high NPS and maintain superiority in the eyes of their customers?
Their product offering is simple, easy to understand, and easy to use right away for their customers. Let’s take a look at high NPS companies like Amazon, Netflix, and Airbnb for example.
Keyword: simple. The second you get to any one of these sites, what you’re supposed to do is clear. They even encourage you to take action and try out the service or product. They are leading with a product-led approach to customer engagement and retention. And they can because their product and service is simple and clear as to what the value is. The more work and learning it takes to understand and use your product, the fewer satisfied customers you’re going to have. Of course, for some products that are more complex, there is a learning curve. But keeping it as simple as possible will always make the value of the product clear which is most important for creating satisfied customers.
If you take a look at high NPS companies, they tend to have a really positive reputation with their customers not only for the actual product or service itself but also the team behind it. Customers talk when service is both exceptional and bad. In a world where everything is done automatically and online, strong customer service goes a long way and people appreciate it more than ever. A great example of great online customer service is Amazon. Everyone knows that on Amazon you can expect fast delivery, fast response times, and free returns. So despite being able to easily use the website yourself, you can expect support when necessary. Another one is GoDaddy who has a 24/7 team ready to help you through tech issues. Despite being self-serve, which is a perk of SaaS, these companies give you the option of personal support and flexibility which can get lost in an online world. And people talk! These companies have built a reputation and loyalty with their customer service and customer support policies.
If you’ll notice, a lot of high NPS companies like Netflix, Amazon, Starbucks, Airbnb, and Tesla have “fun” and “sticky” features and elements that keep customers coming back, are easy to use, and boost engagement. Their interfaces and interactions with customers are intuitive.
High NPS companies tailor their process and experience to be intuitive to what customers are used to.
No stagnant company keeps loyal customers for too long. If you get something right, continue to listen to customers and learn how you can get more right. That’s what high NPS companies continue to do. There are always alternatives coming out of the woodwork, so companies need to constantly innovate to keep up. High NPS companies listen to customers’ feedback to better understand how they can improve their product and move quickly to do so. They collect customer feedback both directly and indirectly.
High NPS companies not only make changes and new features that fit what their customers want but they make sure that customers know about it. To keep customers engaged and in the loop as you improve your product, you have to effectively communicate changes to them. Beamer is a great way to do this. Instead of just sending emails that get a low engagement rate, show users how your product is improving within your product and on your website. Beamer is a changelog that can be opened from your product or website as a discreet sidebar and stand-alone page. You can announce updates to your product, new features, bug fixes, sales, etc. on Beamer. You can include photos, videos, GIFs, and CTAs to your updates to get users engaging with your product. You can also utilize push notifications to bring users back to your product when you announce new features. It’s a much more engaging way to make announcements and to ensure that your users see progress from your team.
With a high or even decent NPS, you should have a good number of promoters. Promoters are the customers who are seeing great value from your product and are most likely to share your product with peers. They are most likely to write a good review that drives qualified leads. They are great case studies to help you qualify your product. High NPS companies not only have a lot of promoters but they leverage promoters to bring in new customers and improve their product’s reputation. They leverage happy customers to encourage engagement.
This has an interesting effect on customers. Customers trust each other more than they do brand content and anonymous reviews. The more you can leverage the power of peer to peer marketing, the better as it's the strongest tool you have. With trust in your product comes the authority of your brand.
We’ve become spoiled online a bit thanks to social media. We’re used to algorithms creating experiences that are tailored for us. Customers expect that same with all interactions with your product. High NPS companies work to make customer experiences personal and tailored to what they want. The result is higher customer engagement, loyalty, and more intent to purchase.A couple of good examples of companies that really highly leverage personalization are Amazon, Nike, and Apple. It reflects in their NPS as well.
You don’t have to be a retail/eCommerce giant to deliver personalized interactions with your team and product.
Overall, the way to high NPS is to deliver what helps makes customers’ work and lives easier and continually innovate to do so. That has stood true across industries and over time. For an easy way to track NPS while boosting engagement and learning from your customers, try Beamer NPS.
Spencer Coon
Spencer is an entrepreneur, analyst, climber, skier and adventurer based in Boulder, CO.
This article is about Customer Engagement + customer feedback + Product Management + User Engagement + User Feedback
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Net Promoter®, NPS®, and the NPS-related emoticons are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc., and Fred Reichheld. Net Promoter Score℠ and Net Promoter System℠ are service marks of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc., and Fred Reichheld.