
What is NPS, Why it Matters, and What Can it Do for you?


Mariano Xerez.

November 5, 2019

Running a business today means having an ear for what people want, and that usually entails following all sorts of metrics and analytics. The days of guesswork, one-sided campaigns, and a posteriori surveys are behind us. Your customers are talking about you, and they're doing it in real-time. Their comments, reactions, and feedback are insights to measure satisfaction and improving your product. But their voices don't live in the ether. Users influence one another, and their reviews can make or break a sale.Who among your users is likey to promote your product? Net Promoter Score or NPS is a solution to track precisely that. In this article, I will tell you what NPS is, why it matters, and how to implement it today using Beamer with no hassle.

    What is NPS?

    Net Promoter Score® (NPS®) measures loyalty, satisfaction, and enthusiasm about a product. It works by asking your users a simple question: how likely they are to recommend your product or service to others on a scale of 0 to 10? It sounds simple, but asking that question will help you divide your userbase into useful groups:

    • Promoters (with scores of 9 and 10) are your most enthusiastic and loyal customers. People who will be inclined to recommend your product, give you positive reviews, and become brand ambassadors.
    • Passives (from scores of 7 and 8) are neutral customers. They probably won't promote your product, but they are not actively damaging your brand by writing negative reviews. Passive customers can become promoters or detractors according to your strategy. Neutral clients don't count in the NPS calculation.
    • Detractors (with scores from 6 or below) can be either unlikely to recommend you, or actively discouraging other customers with negative reviews and low ratings.
    what is NPS

    Why should you care about NPS?

    Tracking satisfaction is not an easy job. NPS is a simple way to measure your customers' loyalty by listening to them. Is by far one of the most direct ways to understand them. If you want to learn something, just ask. The score will also streamline your communication, marketing, and development strategies. By aiming to improve this single metric you'll give your team a clear goal with multiple positive outcomes. A higher NPS means free promotion and more satisfied customers likely to return, both benefits at the same time.Don't launch a broad campaign to improve your sales! Tap right into the reach of users that are already likely to promote your product. Let them advertise your company as evangelists. Look into your passive users to learn who is on the brink of becoming a loyal customer. Transform them into promoters by targeting them directly. Learn who is not convinced yet and change their minds.

    How do you measure NPS?

    First, you'll need to survey your customers to get their evaluations. Then, classify them in one of the three groups (promoters, passives, and detractors). Finally, subtract the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters (neutral reactions will be ignored). And voilà! Even though it's straightforward, surveying, data collection, and classification can be very tasking when you have hundreds or thousands of users visiting your site every day. Could this process get easier? Yes! Beamer can help you set up all that work in just a couple of minutes. Instead of surveying and tracking NPS yourself, let Beamer do the heavy lifting for you. Then, instead of working on how to measure your NPS, you can focus solely on improving your score and growing your company. Keep reading to learn how to start tracking NPS right now.

    How to use Beamer NPS?

    How to set up an NPS survey with Beamer?

    We have a complete tutorials in our Help Center about:

    Learn how to install Beamer in: HTML | WordPress | Squarespace | Simvoly | Google Tag Manager

    How to customize your NPS popup?

    Brand consistency is paramount for any business. Make your survey look like it belongs to you and not to a third party. Achieve that by changing its appearance to match your branding. Pick your colors directly from your dashboard, or add custom-made CSS code (learn more about custom CSS here). You can also customize the text displayed on the popup in one or several languages, using Beamer's multi-language capabilities.

    good NPS score - scale

    What to do with your data?

    You can access all the information compiled by Beamer in your NPS Analytics section. There you'll find your Net Promoter Score, the average rating, rating distribution, and useful graphs with surveys ordered by time. Track the evolution of your NPS score and plan how to level up! You can use gamification to help your team focus on increasing this single number. A specific goal will help unify efforts, and NPS serves as a good measure of concrete results.

    In your NPS Responses, you'll find a list with all the answers to your prompt with the ratings provided. It will also include comments left by your users. You can navigate that list, find the users you want to target and respond directly to them via email. The more information you track with your Beamer Embed Code, the more data will be included in the list, like names and emails. Use that data to improve your marketing and development strategies. Contact your promoters and reward them, get to your passive customers and convince them to join your brand ambassadors, and find your detractors to change their minds.

    What is NPS score

    A single metric can help you make better decisions and grow your business. Get Beamer today and start using NPS to your advantage.Read our article "Effective NPS Implementation: A Guide for SaaS Companies" to get a deeper dive into why leveraging NPS is crucial for modern SaaS businesses.Take a peek at this blog to learn about the best NPS survey tools for your business.

    Mariano Xerez.

    Lead Designer

    Mariano is a multimedia designer and all-around nerd born in Chile but currently based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He loves to write CSS, producing videos, playing RPGs, and designing book covers. SaaS marketer based in Vancouver, BC. She is passionate about transforming customers into champions and ridding the world of boring product updates.

    This article is about Customer Engagement + customer feedback + Product Management + User Engagement + User Feedback

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